Modern technology has brought us a whole new way of how we learn to do things, and today, advanced tech can even help teach us how to drive a car. While this may seem like a distant future to some people, a delivery service company called “UPS” has already begun to train its drivers on how to avoid obstacles, identify pedestrians, and read road signs, all with the help of this device.
What Is a VR Headset?
A virtual-reality headset is a device that is mounted on a person’s head, covering the eyes and projecting a virtual reality through the displays inside it. VR headsets are mostly used for playing computer games, and some online casinos are starting to implement VR in their games as well, aside from offering bonus codes such as the Resorts Casino bonus. However, today VR devices can also be used for various simulations and trainings. Modern sets usually have headphones and some specially designed VR sets for games include gaming controllers. We may even have the ability to view live concerts and stream sporting events through this device in the near future.
A Safe Way To Train Drivers
Some skeptics may say that using this technology will never be the same as driving an actual vehicle, which is undoubtedly true. While VR driving simulators may not be ideal at the moment, the advancement in technology is happening fast and who knows what we might expect from this device in the next several years. Nevertheless, even the VR technology of today can provide the safest possible training for inexperienced drivers, as stats suggest that young people aged from 16 to 19 are most likely to be involved in a traffic accident. This way they can train in a controlled environment without any risk of being in an accident.
How Does It Work?
UPS drivers train in a special room where they sit on a driving chair with the steering wheel and the pedals beneath. Once the device is placed on their head, they will have a full 360 degrees view of the virtual surroundings. A person can be able to see the road ahead, the inside of a truck, as well as look into the rear view mirrors. Other traffic participants are also present in the simulation, including cars and pedestrians. There are also road signs, and surrounding objects like buildings, houses, trees, and lamp posts. The graphics are solid and as realistic as they can be right now.
Other Uses
VR headsets can put people in various real-life scenarios and are not necessarily only beneficial for student drivers. This device has been used in many fields, like in medical and military training. In any case, more and more people are becoming curious as to the wide range of use VR headsets can have, with a lot of companies already investing in their development.