Going to your first Formula 1 race? You have no idea what to expect other than really fast cars driving around, racing? If you love to bet on US Open and watch tennis, for example, you don’t need much protection. However, when it comes to Formula 1, it’s not that easy – there are some things which you should consider before just rushing off and taking your seat. Formula 1 races can be a lot of things, including fun. Being prepared never hurts and in this case, it might save you from a couple of inconveniences.
Earplugs – Sometimes a Must Have
Earplugs are sometimes obligatory when going to a Formula 1 race. This is because sometimes, the cars can be really loud. It all depends on the racecourse, the cars being used there, the year and stage of development. Many factors go into the level of noise you will experience and since the engines are revving all the time, with very high RPMs, you should consider bringing earplugs, just in case. They are small and can fit into your pocket with ease.
Bring a Pair of Headphones and a Radio
A radio isn’t really necessary, considering that you probably own a smartphone but having any device that can access the local radio is recommended. Headphones should be self-explanatory, as most phones cannot access the radio application without the headphones plugged in, which serve as an antenna, among other things.
Sometimes, in-ear headphones can do the trick but if the race is going to be loud, then you will need some over-ear noise cancelling headphones. The purpose of these is to tune into the local radio and listen to the commentary. Formula 1 races are so much better with the commentary.
StOck Up on Food and Drink
When you take your seat and the race starts, you will most likely not want to leave it. Buy food and drink prior to taking your seat and make sure that you have enough. Do not overdrink as you might end up having to run to the bathroom, meaning you will miss parts of the race.
Some say that you should buy your own food and bring it with you, as it can get really expensive to buy food at the racetrack. This should go without saying, simply because food is always more expensive at events like these.
Interact with Other Fans
You should really take this chance to interact with other fans. The odds are that they will be more experienced than you and that you can learn a thing or two about Formula 1 from them. Likewise, you can also find more friends this way, people you can go to other races with, at a later time.
Bring Sun Protection (If it’s Day Time)
You will want to have some sun protection if it is day time during the race. The racetracks are often open and exposed to the sun, so having a pair of sunglasses and a hat will not hurt you, but on the contrary, save you from a nasty sunburn.
These are some of the things you should consider before going to your first Formula 1 race.